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856 lines
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// © 2013 the CatBase Authors under the WTFPL. See AUTHORS for the list of authors.
package fact
import (
// The factoid plugin provides a learning system to the bot so that it can
// respond to queries in a way that is unpredictable and fun
// factoid stores info about our factoid for lookup and later interaction
type Factoid struct {
ID sql.NullInt64
Fact string
Tidbit string
Verb string
Owner string
Created time.Time
Accessed time.Time
Count int
type alias struct {
Fact string
Next string
func (a *alias) resolve(db *sqlx.DB) (*Factoid, error) {
// perform db query to fill the To field
q := `select fact, next from factoid_alias where fact=?`
var next alias
err := db.Get(&next, q, a.Next)
if err != nil {
// we hit the end of the chain, get a factoid named Next
fact, err := GetSingleFact(db, a.Next)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Error resolvig alias %v: %v", a, err)
return nil, err
return fact, nil
return next.resolve(db)
func findAlias(db *sqlx.DB, fact string) (bool, *Factoid) {
q := `select * from factoid_alias where fact=?`
var a alias
err := db.Get(&a, q, fact)
if err != nil {
return false, nil
f, err := a.resolve(db)
return err == nil, f
func (a *alias) save(db *sqlx.DB) error {
q := `select * from factoid_alias where fact=?`
var offender alias
err := db.Get(&offender, q, a.Next)
if err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("DANGER: an opposite alias already exists")
_, err = a.resolve(db)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("there is no fact at that destination")
q = `insert or replace into factoid_alias (fact, next) values (?, ?)`
_, err = db.Exec(q, a.Fact, a.Next)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func aliasFromStrings(from, to string) *alias {
return &alias{from, to}
func (f *Factoid) Save(db *sqlx.DB) error {
var err error
if f.ID.Valid {
// update
_, err = db.Exec(`update factoid set
where id=?`,
} else {
f.Created = time.Now()
f.Accessed = time.Now()
// insert
res, err := db.Exec(`insert into factoid (
) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);`,
if err != nil {
return err
id, err := res.LastInsertId()
// hackhackhack?
f.ID.Int64 = id
f.ID.Valid = true
return err
func (f *Factoid) delete(db *sqlx.DB) error {
var err error
if f.ID.Valid {
_, err = db.Exec(`delete from factoid where id=?`, f.ID)
f.ID.Valid = false
return err
func getFacts(db *sqlx.DB, fact string, tidbit string) ([]*Factoid, error) {
var fs []*Factoid
query := `select
from factoid
where fact like ?
and tidbit like ?;`
rows, err := db.Query(query,
"%"+fact+"%", "%"+tidbit+"%")
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error regexping for facts")
return nil, err
for rows.Next() {
var f Factoid
var tmpCreated int64
var tmpAccessed int64
err := rows.Scan(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f.Created = time.Unix(tmpCreated, 0)
f.Accessed = time.Unix(tmpAccessed, 0)
fs = append(fs, &f)
return fs, err
func GetSingle(db *sqlx.DB) (*Factoid, error) {
var f Factoid
var tmpCreated int64
var tmpAccessed int64
err := db.QueryRow(`select
from factoid
order by random() limit 1;`).Scan(
f.Created = time.Unix(tmpCreated, 0)
f.Accessed = time.Unix(tmpAccessed, 0)
return &f, err
func GetSingleFact(db *sqlx.DB, fact string) (*Factoid, error) {
var f Factoid
var tmpCreated int64
var tmpAccessed int64
err := db.QueryRow(`select
from factoid
where fact like ?
order by random() limit 1;`,
f.Created = time.Unix(tmpCreated, 0)
f.Accessed = time.Unix(tmpAccessed, 0)
return &f, err
// Factoid provides the necessary plugin-wide needs
type FactoidPlugin struct {
Bot bot.Bot
NotFound []string
LastFact *Factoid
db *sqlx.DB
handlers bot.HandlerTable
// NewFactoid creates a new Factoid with the Plugin interface
func New(botInst bot.Bot) *FactoidPlugin {
p := &FactoidPlugin{
Bot: botInst,
NotFound: []string{
"I don't know.",
"One time, I learned how to jump rope.",
db: botInst.DB(),
c := botInst.DefaultConnector()
if _, err := p.db.Exec(`create table if not exists factoid (
id integer primary key,
fact string,
tidbit string,
verb string,
owner string,
created integer,
accessed integer,
count integer
);`); err != nil {
if _, err := p.db.Exec(`create table if not exists factoid_alias (
fact string,
next string,
primary key (fact, next)
);`); err != nil {
for _, channel := range botInst.Config().GetArray("channels", []string{}) {
go p.factTimer(c, channel)
go func(ch string) {
// Some random time to start up
time.Sleep(time.Duration(15) * time.Second)
if ok, fact := p.findTrigger(p.Bot.Config().Get("Factoid.StartupFact", "speed test")); ok {
p.sayFact(c, msg.Message{
Channel: ch,
Body: "speed test", // BUG: This is defined in the config too
Command: true,
Action: false,
}, *fact)
botInst.Register(p, bot.Help, p.help)
return p
// findAction simply regexes a string for the action verb
func findAction(message string) string {
r, err := regexp.Compile("<.+?>")
if err != nil {
action := r.FindString(message)
if action == "" {
if strings.Contains(message, " is ") {
return "is"
} else if strings.Contains(message, " are ") {
return "are"
return action
// learnFact assumes we have a learning situation and inserts a new fact
// into the database
func (p *FactoidPlugin) learnFact(message msg.Message, fact, verb, tidbit string) error {
verb = strings.ToLower(verb)
if verb == "react" {
// This would be a great place to check against the API for valid emojy
// I'm too lazy for that
tidbit = strings.Replace(tidbit, ":", "", -1)
if len(strings.Split(tidbit, " ")) > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("That's not a valid emojy.")
var count sql.NullInt64
err := p.db.QueryRow(`select count(*) from factoid
where fact=? and verb=? and tidbit=?`,
fact, verb, tidbit).Scan(&count)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error counting facts")
return fmt.Errorf("What?")
} else if count.Valid && count.Int64 != 0 {
log.Debug().Msg("User tried to relearn a fact.")
return fmt.Errorf("Look, I already know that.")
n := Factoid{
Fact: fact,
Tidbit: tidbit,
Verb: verb,
Owner: message.User.Name,
Created: time.Now(),
Accessed: time.Now(),
Count: 0,
p.LastFact = &n
err = n.Save(p.db)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error inserting fact")
return fmt.Errorf("My brain is overheating.")
return nil
// findTrigger checks to see if a given string is a trigger or not
func (p *FactoidPlugin) findTrigger(fact string) (bool, *Factoid) {
fact = strings.ToLower(fact) // TODO: make sure this needs to be lowered here
f, err := GetSingleFact(p.db, fact)
if err != nil {
return findAlias(p.db, fact)
return true, f
// sayFact spits out a fact to the channel and updates the fact in the database
// with new time and count information
func (p *FactoidPlugin) sayFact(c bot.Connector, message msg.Message, fact Factoid) {
msg := p.Bot.Filter(message, fact.Tidbit)
full := p.Bot.Filter(message, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s",
fact.Fact, fact.Verb, fact.Tidbit,
for i, m := 0, strings.Split(msg, "$and"); i < len(m) && i < 4; i++ {
msg := strings.TrimSpace(m[i])
if len(msg) == 0 {
if fact.Verb == "action" {
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Action, message.Channel, msg)
} else if fact.Verb == "react" {
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Reaction, message.Channel, msg, message)
} else if fact.Verb == "reply" {
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, msg)
} else if fact.Verb == "image" {
p.sendImage(c, message, msg)
} else {
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, full)
// update fact tracking
fact.Accessed = time.Now()
fact.Count += 1
err := fact.Save(p.db)
if err != nil {
Interface("fact", fact).
Msg("could not update fact")
p.LastFact = &fact
func (p *FactoidPlugin) sendImage(c bot.Connector, message msg.Message, msg string) {
imgSrc := ""
txt := ""
for _, w := range strings.Split(msg, " ") {
if _, err := url.Parse(w); err == nil && strings.HasPrefix(w, "http") {
log.Debug().Msgf("Valid image found: %s", w)
imgSrc = w
} else {
txt = txt + " " + w
log.Debug().Msgf("Adding %s to txt %s", w, txt)
Str("imgSrc", imgSrc).
Str("txt", txt).
Str("msg", msg).
Msg("Sending image attachment")
if imgSrc != "" {
if txt == "" {
txt = imgSrc
img := bot.ImageAttachment{
URL: imgSrc,
AltTxt: txt,
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, "", img)
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, txt)
// trigger checks the message for its fitness to be a factoid and then hauls
// the message off to sayFact for processing if it is in fact a trigger
func (p *FactoidPlugin) trigger(c bot.Connector, message msg.Message) bool {
minLen := p.Bot.Config().GetInt("Factoid.MinLen", 4)
if len(message.Body) > minLen || message.Command || message.Body == "..." {
if ok, fact := p.findTrigger(message.Body); ok {
p.sayFact(c, message, *fact)
return true
r := strings.NewReplacer("'", "", "\"", "", ",", "", ".", "", ":", "",
"?", "", "!", "")
if ok, fact := p.findTrigger(r.Replace(message.Body)); ok {
p.sayFact(c, message, *fact)
return true
return false
// tellThemWhatThatWas is a hilarious name for a function.
func (p *FactoidPlugin) tellThemWhatThatWas(c bot.Connector, message msg.Message) bool {
fact := p.LastFact
var msg string
if fact == nil {
msg = "Nope."
} else {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("That was (#%d) '%s <%s> %s'",
fact.ID.Int64, fact.Fact, fact.Verb, fact.Tidbit)
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, msg)
return true
func (p *FactoidPlugin) learnAction(c bot.Connector, message msg.Message, action string) bool {
body := message.Body
parts := strings.SplitN(body, action, 2)
// This could fail if is were the last word or it weren't in the sentence (like no spaces)
if len(parts) != 2 {
return false
trigger := strings.TrimSpace(parts[0])
fact := strings.TrimSpace(parts[1])
action = strings.TrimSpace(action)
if len(trigger) == 0 || len(fact) == 0 || len(action) == 0 {
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, "I don't want to learn that.")
return true
if len(strings.Split(fact, "$and")) > 4 {
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, "You can't use more than 4 $and operators.")
return true
strippedaction := strings.Replace(strings.Replace(action, "<", "", 1), ">", "", 1)
if err := p.learnFact(message, trigger, strippedaction, fact); err != nil {
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, err.Error())
} else {
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("Okay, %s.", message.User.Name))
return true
// Checks body for the ~= operator returns it
func changeOperator(body string) string {
if strings.Contains(body, "=~") {
return "=~"
} else if strings.Contains(body, "~=") {
return "~="
return ""
// If the user requesting forget is either the owner of the last learned fact or
// an admin, it may be deleted
func (p *FactoidPlugin) forgetLastFact(c bot.Connector, message msg.Message) bool {
if p.LastFact == nil {
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, "I refuse.")
return true
err := p.LastFact.delete(p.db)
if err != nil {
Interface("LastFact", p.LastFact).
Msg("Error removing fact")
fmt.Printf("Forgot #%d: %s %s %s\n", p.LastFact.ID.Int64, p.LastFact.Fact,
p.LastFact.Verb, p.LastFact.Tidbit)
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Action, message.Channel, "hits himself over the head with a skillet")
p.LastFact = nil
return true
// Allow users to change facts with a simple regexp
func (p *FactoidPlugin) changeFact(c bot.Connector, message msg.Message) bool {
oper := changeOperator(message.Body)
parts := strings.SplitN(message.Body, oper, 2)
userexp := strings.TrimSpace(parts[1])
trigger := strings.TrimSpace(parts[0])
parts = strings.Split(userexp, "/")
Str("trigger", trigger).
Str("userexp", userexp).
Strs("parts", parts).
if len(parts) == 4 {
// replacement
if parts[0] != "s" {
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, "Nah.")
find := parts[1]
replace := parts[2]
// replacement
result, err := getFacts(p.db, trigger, parts[1])
if err != nil {
Str("trigger", trigger).
Msg("Error getting facts")
if userexp[len(userexp)-1] != 'g' {
result = result[:1]
// make the changes
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Changing %d facts.", len(result))
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, msg)
reg, err := regexp.Compile(find)
if err != nil {
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, "I don't really want to.")
return false
for _, fact := range result {
fact.Fact = reg.ReplaceAllString(fact.Fact, replace)
fact.Fact = strings.ToLower(fact.Fact)
fact.Verb = reg.ReplaceAllString(fact.Verb, replace)
fact.Tidbit = reg.ReplaceAllString(fact.Tidbit, replace)
fact.Count += 1
fact.Accessed = time.Now()
} else if len(parts) == 3 {
// search for a factoid and print it
result, err := getFacts(p.db, trigger, parts[1])
if err != nil {
Str("trigger", trigger).
Msg("Error getting facts")
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, "bzzzt")
return true
count := len(result)
if count == 0 {
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, "I didn't find any facts like that.")
return true
if parts[2] == "g" && len(result) > 4 {
// summarize
result = result[:4]
} else {
p.sayFact(c, message, *result[0])
return true
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s ", trigger)
for i, fact := range result {
if i != 0 {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s |", msg)
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s <%s> %s", msg, fact.Verb, fact.Tidbit)
if count > 4 {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s | ...and %d others", msg, count)
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, msg)
} else {
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, "I don't know what you mean.")
return true
func (p *FactoidPlugin) register() {
p.handlers = bot.HandlerTable{
bot.HandlerSpec{Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: true,
Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^what was that\??$`),
Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool {
return p.tellThemWhatThatWas(r.Conn, r.Msg)
bot.HandlerSpec{Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: true,
Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^alias (?P<from>\S+) to (?P<to>\S+)$`),
Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool {
from := r.Values["from"]
to := r.Values["to"]
log.Debug().Msgf("alias: %+v", r)
a := aliasFromStrings(from, to)
if err := a.save(p.db); err != nil {
p.Bot.Send(r.Conn, bot.Message, r.Msg.Channel, err.Error())
} else {
p.Bot.Send(r.Conn, bot.Action, r.Msg.Channel, "learns a new synonym")
return true
bot.HandlerSpec{Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: true,
Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^factoid$`),
Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool {
fact := p.randomFact()
p.sayFact(r.Conn, r.Msg, *fact)
return true
bot.HandlerSpec{Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: true,
Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^forget that$`),
Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool {
return p.forgetLastFact(r.Conn, r.Msg)
bot.HandlerSpec{Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: false,
Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`.*`),
Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool {
message := r.Msg
c := r.Conn
log.Debug().Msgf("Message: %+v", r)
// This plugin has no business with normal messages
if !message.Command {
// look for any triggers in the db matching this message
return p.trigger(c, message)
if changeOperator(message.Body) != "" {
return p.changeFact(c, message)
action := findAction(message.Body)
if action != "" {
return p.learnAction(c, message, action)
// look for any triggers in the db matching this message
if p.trigger(c, message) {
return true
// We didn't find anything, panic!
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, p.NotFound[rand.Intn(len(p.NotFound))])
return true
p.Bot.RegisterTable(p, p.handlers)
// Help responds to help requests. Every plugin must implement a help function.
func (p *FactoidPlugin) help(c bot.Connector, kind bot.Kind, message msg.Message, args ...interface{}) bool {
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, "I can learn facts and spit them back out. You can say \"this is that\" or \"he <has> $5\". Later, trigger the factoid by just saying the trigger word, \"this\" or \"he\" in these examples.")
p.Bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, "I can also figure out some variables including: $nonzero, $digit, $nick, and $someone.")
return true
// Pull a fact at random from the database
func (p *FactoidPlugin) randomFact() *Factoid {
f, err := GetSingle(p.db)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error getting a fact: ", err)
return nil
return f
// factTimer spits out a fact at a given interval and with given probability
func (p *FactoidPlugin) factTimer(c bot.Connector, channel string) {
quoteTime := p.Bot.Config().GetInt("Factoid.QuoteTime", 30)
if quoteTime == 0 {
quoteTime = 30
p.Bot.Config().Set("Factoid.QuoteTime", "30")
duration := time.Duration(quoteTime) * time.Minute
myLastMsg := time.Now()
for {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(5) * time.Second) // why 5?
lastmsg, err := p.Bot.LastMessage(channel)
if err != nil {
// Probably no previous message to time off of
tdelta := time.Since(lastmsg.Time)
earlier := time.Since(myLastMsg) > tdelta
chance := rand.Float64()
quoteChance := p.Bot.Config().GetFloat64("Factoid.QuoteChance", 0.99)
if quoteChance == 0.0 {
quoteChance = 0.99
p.Bot.Config().Set("Factoid.QuoteChance", "0.99")
success := chance < quoteChance
if success && tdelta > duration && earlier {
fact := p.randomFact()
if fact == nil {
log.Debug().Msg("Didn't find a random fact to say")
users := p.Bot.Who(channel)
// we need to fabricate a message so that bot.Filter can operate
message := msg.Message{
User: &users[rand.Intn(len(users))],
Channel: channel,
p.sayFact(c, message, *fact)
myLastMsg = time.Now()
// Register any web URLs desired
func (p *FactoidPlugin) registerWeb() {
r := chi.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/api", p.serveAPI)
r.HandleFunc("/req", p.serveQuery)
r.HandleFunc("/", p.serveQuery)
p.Bot.RegisterWeb(r, "/factoid", "Factoid")
func linkify(text string) template.HTML {
parts := strings.Fields(text)
for i, word := range parts {
if strings.HasPrefix(word, "http") {
parts[i] = fmt.Sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", word, word)
return template.HTML(strings.Join(parts, " "))
func (p *FactoidPlugin) serveAPI(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method != http.MethodPost {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Incorrect HTTP method")
info := struct {
Query string `json:"query"`
decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
err := decoder.Decode(&info)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(w, err)
entries, err := getFacts(p.db, info.Query, "")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(w, err)
data, err := json.Marshal(entries)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(w, err)
func (p *FactoidPlugin) serveQuery(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprint(w, factoidIndex)