mirror of https://github.com/velour/catbase.git
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613 lines
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// © 2013 the CatBase Authors under the WTFPL. See AUTHORS for the list of authors.
package beers
import (
// This is a skeleton plugin to serve as an example and quick copy/paste for new plugins.
var cachedImages = map[string][]byte{}
const DEFAULT_ITEM = "🍺"
type BeersPlugin struct {
b bot.Bot
c *config.Config
db *sqlx.DB
untapdCache map[int]bool
handlers bot.HandlerTable
type untappdUser struct {
id int64
untappdUser string
channel string
lastCheckin int
chanNick string
// New BeersPlugin creates a new BeersPlugin with the Plugin interface
func New(b bot.Bot) *BeersPlugin {
if _, err := b.DB().Exec(`create table if not exists untappd (
id integer primary key,
untappdUser string,
channel string,
lastCheckin integer,
chanNick string
);`); err != nil {
p := &BeersPlugin{
b: b,
c: b.Config(),
db: b.DB(),
untapdCache: make(map[int]bool),
b.Register(p, bot.Help, p.help)
token := p.c.Get("Untappd.Token", "NONE")
if token == "NONE" || token == "" {
log.Error().Msgf("No untappd token. Checking disabled.")
return p
for _, channel := range p.c.GetArray("Untappd.Channels", []string{}) {
go p.untappdLoop(b.DefaultConnector(), channel)
return p
func (p *BeersPlugin) register() {
p.handlers = bot.HandlerTable{
{Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: false,
Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^beers?\s?(?P<operator>(\+=|-=|=))\s?(?P<amount>\d+)$`),
Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool {
op := r.Values["operator"]
count, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.Values["amount"])
nick := r.Msg.User.Name
id := r.Msg.User.ID
switch op {
case "=":
if count == 0 {
} else {
p.setBeers(&r, nick, id, count)
p.randomReply(r.Conn, r.Msg.Channel)
return true
case "+=":
p.addBeers(&r, nick, id, count)
p.randomReply(r.Conn, r.Msg.Channel)
return true
case "-=":
p.addBeers(&r, nick, id, -count)
p.randomReply(r.Conn, r.Msg.Channel)
return true
return false
{Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: false,
Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^beers?\s?(?P<operator>(\+\+|--))$`),
Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool {
op := r.Values["operator"]
nick := r.Msg.User.Name
id := r.Msg.User.ID
if op == "++" {
p.addBeers(&r, nick, id, 1)
} else {
p.addBeers(&r, nick, id, -1)
p.randomReply(r.Conn, r.Msg.Channel)
return true
{Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: true,
Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^beers( (?P<who>\S+))?$`),
Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool {
who := r.Values["who"]
if who == "" {
who = r.Msg.User.Name
if p.doIKnow(who, "") {
p.reportCount(r.Conn, who, "", r.Msg.Channel, false)
} else {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Sorry, I don't know %s.", who)
p.b.Send(r.Conn, bot.Message, r.Msg.Channel, msg)
return true
{Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: true,
Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^puke$`),
Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool {
return true
{Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: true,
Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^` +
strings.Join(p.c.GetArray("beers.imbibewords", []string{"imbibe", "quaff"}), "|") + `$`),
Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool {
p.addBeers(&r, r.Msg.User.Name, r.Msg.User.ID, 1)
p.randomReply(r.Conn, r.Msg.Channel)
return true
{Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: true,
Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^reguntappd (?P<who>\S+)$`),
Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool {
chanNick := r.Msg.User.Name
channel := r.Msg.Channel
untappdNick := r.Values["who"]
u := untappdUser{
untappdUser: untappdNick,
chanNick: chanNick,
channel: channel,
Str("untappdUser", u.untappdUser).
Str("nick", u.chanNick).
Msg("Creating Untappd user")
var count int
err := p.db.QueryRow(`select count(*) from untappd
where untappdUser = ?`, u.untappdUser).Scan(&count)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Error registering untappd")
if count > 0 {
p.b.Send(r.Conn, bot.Message, channel, "I'm already watching you.")
return true
_, err = p.db.Exec(`insert into untappd (
) values (?, ?, ?, ?);`,
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Error registering untappd")
p.b.Send(r.Conn, bot.Message, channel, "I can't see.")
return true
p.b.Send(r.Conn, bot.Message, channel, "I'll be watching you.")
p.checkUntappd(r.Conn, channel)
return true
{Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: true,
Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^checkuntappd$`),
Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool {
Str("user", r.Msg.User.Name).
Msgf("Checking untappd at request of user.")
p.checkUntappd(r.Conn, r.Msg.Channel)
return true
p.b.RegisterTable(p, p.handlers)
// Message responds to the bot hook on recieving messages.
// This function returns true if the plugin responds in a meaningful way to the users message.
// Otherwise, the function returns false and the bot continues execution of other plugins.
// Help responds to help requests. Every plugin must implement a help function.
func (p *BeersPlugin) help(c bot.Connector, kind bot.Kind, message msg.Message, args ...interface{}) bool {
msg := "Beers: imbibe by using either beers +=,=,++ or with the !imbibe/drink " +
"commands. I'll keep a count of how many beers you've had and then if you want " +
"to reset, just !puke it all up!"
p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, msg)
return true
func getUserBeers(db *sqlx.DB, user, id, itemName string) counter.Item {
// TODO: really ought to have an ID here
booze, _ := counter.GetUserItem(db, user, id, itemName)
return booze
func (p *BeersPlugin) setBeers(r *bot.Request, user, id string, amount int) {
itemName := p.c.Get("beers.itemname", DEFAULT_ITEM)
ub := getUserBeers(p.db, user, id, itemName)
err := ub.Update(r, amount)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Error saving beers")
func (p *BeersPlugin) addBeers(r *bot.Request, user, id string, delta int) {
itemName := p.c.Get("beers.itemname", DEFAULT_ITEM)
ub := getUserBeers(p.db, user, id, itemName)
err := ub.UpdateDelta(r, delta)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Error saving beers")
func (p *BeersPlugin) getBeers(user, id string) int {
itemName := p.c.Get("beers.itemname", DEFAULT_ITEM)
ub := getUserBeers(p.db, user, id, itemName)
return ub.Count
func (p *BeersPlugin) reportCount(c bot.Connector, nick, id, channel string, himself bool) {
beers := p.getBeers(nick, id)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s has had %d beers so far.", nick, beers)
if himself {
if beers == 0 {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("You really need to get drinkin, %s!", nick)
} else {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("You've had %d beers so far, %s.", beers, nick)
p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, channel, msg)
func (p *BeersPlugin) puke(r bot.Request) {
p.setBeers(&r, r.Msg.User.Name, r.Msg.User.ID, 0)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Ohhhhhh, and a reversal of fortune for %s!", r.Msg.User.Name)
p.b.Send(r.Conn, bot.Message, r.Msg.Channel, msg)
func (p *BeersPlugin) doIKnow(nick, id string) bool {
count := p.getBeers(nick, id)
return count > 0
// Sends random affirmation to the channel. This could be better (with a datastore for sayings)
func (p *BeersPlugin) randomReply(c bot.Connector, channel string) {
replies := []string{"ZIGGY! ZAGGY!", "HIC!", "Stay thirsty, my friend!"}
p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, channel, replies[rand.Intn(len(replies))])
type checkin struct {
Checkin_id int
Created_at string
Checkin_comment string
Rating_score float64
Beer map[string]interface{}
Brewery map[string]interface{}
Venue interface{}
User mrUntappd
Media struct {
Count int
Items []struct {
Photo_id int
Photo struct {
Photo_img_sm string
Photo_img_md string
Photo_img_lg string
Photo_img_og string
Badges struct {
Count int
Items []struct {
BadgeName string `json:"badge_name"`
BadgeDescription string `json:"badge_description"`
BadgeImage struct {
Sm string
Md string
Lg string
} `json:"badge_image"`
type mrUntappd struct {
Uid int
User_name string
Relationship string
type checkins struct {
Count int
Items []checkin
type resp struct {
Checkins checkins
type Beers struct {
Response resp
func (p *BeersPlugin) pullUntappd() ([]checkin, error) {
token := p.c.Get("Untappd.Token", "NONE")
if token == "NONE" || token == "" {
return []checkin{}, fmt.Errorf("No untappd token")
access_token := "?access_token=" + token
baseUrl := "https://api.untappd.com/v4/checkin/recent/"
url := baseUrl + access_token + "&limit=25"
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return []checkin{}, err
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return []checkin{}, err
if resp.StatusCode == 500 {
log.Error().Msgf("Error querying untappd: %s, %s", resp.Status, body)
return []checkin{}, errors.New(resp.Status)
var beers Beers
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &beers)
if err != nil {
Str("body", string(body)).
Msg("could not unmarshal")
return []checkin{}, err
return beers.Response.Checkins.Items, nil
func (p *BeersPlugin) checkUntappd(c bot.Connector, channel string) {
token := p.c.Get("Untappd.Token", "NONE")
if token == "NONE" {
Msg(`Set config value "untappd.token" if you wish to enable untappd`)
userMap := make(map[string]untappdUser)
rows, err := p.db.Query(`select id, untappdUser, channel, lastCheckin, chanNick from untappd;`)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error getting untappd users")
for rows.Next() {
u := untappdUser{}
err := rows.Scan(&u.id, &u.untappdUser, &u.channel, &u.lastCheckin, &u.chanNick)
if err != nil {
userMap[u.untappdUser] = u
if u.chanNick == "" {
log.Fatal().Msg("Empty chanNick for no good reason.")
chks, err := p.pullUntappd()
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Untappd ERROR")
for i := len(chks); i > 0; i-- {
checkin := chks[i-1]
if checkin.Checkin_id <= userMap[checkin.User.User_name].lastCheckin {
user, ok := userMap[checkin.User.User_name]
if !ok {
p.sendCheckin(c, channel, user, checkin)
func (p *BeersPlugin) sendCheckin(c bot.Connector, channel string, user untappdUser, checkin checkin) {
venue := ""
switch v := checkin.Venue.(type) {
case map[string]interface{}:
venue = " at " + v["venue_name"].(string)
beerName := checkin.Beer["beer_name"].(string)
breweryName := checkin.Brewery["brewery_name"].(string)
Msgf("user.chanNick: %s, user.untappdUser: %s, checkin.User.User_name: %s",
user.chanNick, user.untappdUser, checkin.User.User_name)
args := []interface{}{}
if checkin.Badges.Count > 0 {
for _, b := range checkin.Badges.Items {
args = append(args, bot.ImageAttachment{
URL: b.BadgeImage.Sm,
AltTxt: b.BadgeName,
if checkin.Media.Count > 0 {
if strings.Contains(checkin.Media.Items[0].Photo.Photo_img_lg, "photos-processing") {
mediaURL := p.getMedia(checkin.Media.Items[0].Photo.Photo_img_lg)
args = append(args, bot.ImageAttachment{
URL: mediaURL,
AltTxt: "Here's a photo",
} else if !p.untapdCache[checkin.Checkin_id] {
// Mark checkin as "seen" but not complete, continue to next checkin
log.Debug().Msgf("Deferring checkin: %#v", checkin)
p.untapdCache[checkin.Checkin_id] = true
} else {
// We've seen this checkin, so unmark and accept that there's no media
delete(p.untapdCache, checkin.Checkin_id)
// Don't add beers till after a photo has been detected (or failed once)
p.addBeers(nil, user.chanNick, "", 1)
drunken := p.getBeers(user.chanNick, "")
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s just drank %s by %s%s, bringing their drunkeness to %d",
user.chanNick, beerName, breweryName, venue, drunken)
if checkin.Rating_score > 0 {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s. Rating: %.2f", msg, checkin.Rating_score)
if checkin.Checkin_comment != "" {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s -- %s",
msg, checkin.Checkin_comment)
args = append([]interface{}{channel, msg}, args...)
user.lastCheckin = checkin.Checkin_id
_, err := p.db.Exec(`update untappd set
lastCheckin = ?
where id = ?`, user.lastCheckin, user.id)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("UPDATE ERROR!")
Int("checkin_id", checkin.Checkin_id).
Str("msg", msg).
Interface("args", args).
p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, args...)
func (p *BeersPlugin) getMedia(src string) string {
u, err := url.Parse(src)
if err != nil {
return src
img, err := downloadMedia(u)
if err != nil {
return src
r := img.Bounds()
w := r.Dx()
h := r.Dy()
maxSz := p.c.GetFloat64("maxImgSz", 750.0)
if w > h {
scale := maxSz / float64(w)
w = int(float64(w) * scale)
h = int(float64(h) * scale)
} else {
scale := maxSz / float64(h)
w = int(float64(w) * scale)
h = int(float64(h) * scale)
log.Debug().Msgf("trynig to resize to %v, %v", w, h)
img = resize.Resize(uint(w), uint(h), img, resize.Lanczos3)
r = img.Bounds()
w = r.Dx()
h = r.Dy()
log.Debug().Msgf("resized to %v, %v", w, h)
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
err = png.Encode(&buf, img)
if err != nil {
return src
baseURL := p.c.Get("BaseURL", `https://catbase.velour.ninja`)
id := uuid.New().String()
cachedImages[id] = buf.Bytes()
u, _ = url.Parse(baseURL)
u.Path = path.Join(u.Path, "beers", "img", id)
log.Debug().Msgf("New image at %s", u)
return u.String()
func downloadMedia(u *url.URL) (image.Image, error) {
res, err := http.Get(u.String())
if err != nil {
log.Error().Msgf("template from %s failed because of %v", u.String(), err)
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
image, _, err := image.Decode(res.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Msgf("Could not decode %v because of %v", u, err)
return nil, err
return image, nil
func (p *BeersPlugin) untappdLoop(c bot.Connector, channel string) {
frequency := p.c.GetInt("Untappd.Freq", 120)
if frequency == 0 {
log.Info().Msgf("Checking every %v seconds", frequency)
for {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(frequency) * time.Second)
p.checkUntappd(c, channel)
func (p *BeersPlugin) registerWeb() {
r := chi.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/img/{id}", p.img)
p.b.RegisterWeb(r, "/beers")
func (p *BeersPlugin) img(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
id := chi.URLParam(r, "id")
if img, ok := cachedImages[id]; ok {
} else {
w.Write([]byte("not found"))