// © 2013 the CatBase Authors under the WTFPL. See AUTHORS for the list of authors.

package bot

import (


func (b *bot) Receive(conn Connector, kind Kind, msg msg.Message, args ...any) bool {
	// msg := b.buildMessage(client, inMsg)
	// do need to look up user and fix it

	if kind == Edit {
		b.history.Edit(msg.ID, &msg)
	} else {

	if kind == Message && strings.HasPrefix(msg.Body, "help") && msg.Command {
		parts := strings.Fields(strings.ToLower(msg.Body))
		b.checkHelp(conn, msg.Channel, parts)
		log.Debug().Msg("Handled a help, returning")
		goto RET

	for _, name := range b.pluginOrdering {
		if b.OnBlacklist(msg.Channel, pluginNameStem(name)) || !b.onWhitelist(pluginNameStem(name)) {
		if b.runCallback(conn, b.plugins[name], kind, msg, args...) {
			goto RET

	b.logIn <- msg
	return true

func ParseValues(r *regexp.Regexp, body string) RegexValues {
	out := RegexValues{}
	subs := r.FindStringSubmatch(body)
	if len(subs) == 0 {
		return out
	for i, n := range r.SubexpNames() {
		out[n] = subs[i]
	return out

func (b *bot) runCallback(conn Connector, plugin Plugin, evt Kind, message msg.Message, args ...any) bool {
	t := reflect.TypeOf(plugin).String()
	for _, spec := range b.callbacks[t][evt] {
		if spec.Regex.MatchString(message.Body) {
			req := Request{
				Conn:   conn,
				Kind:   evt,
				Msg:    message,
				Values: ParseValues(spec.Regex, message.Body),
				Args:   args,
			if spec.Handler(req) {
				return true
	return false

// Send a message to the connection
func (b *bot) Send(conn Connector, kind Kind, args ...any) (string, error) {
	if b.quiet {
		return "", nil
	return conn.Send(kind, args...)

func (b *bot) GetEmojiList(force bool) map[string]string {
	return b.conn.GetEmojiList(force)

// Checks to see if the user is asking for help, returns true if so and handles the situation.
func (b *bot) checkHelp(conn Connector, channel string, parts []string) {
	if len(parts) == 1 {
		// just print out a list of help topics
		topics := "Help topics: about variables"
		for _, name := range b.GetWhitelist() {
			name = pluginNameStem(name)
			topics = fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", topics, name)
		b.Send(conn, Message, channel, topics)
	} else {
		// trigger the proper plugin's help response
		if parts[1] == "about" {
			b.Help(conn, channel, parts)
		if parts[1] == "variables" {
			b.listVars(conn, channel, parts)
		for name, plugin := range b.plugins {
			if strings.HasPrefix(name, "*"+parts[1]) {
				if b.runCallback(conn, plugin, Help, msg.Message{Channel: channel}, channel, parts) {
				} else {
					msg := fmt.Sprintf("I'm sorry, I don't know how to help you with %s.", parts[1])
					b.Send(conn, Message, channel, msg)
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("I'm sorry, I don't know what %s is!", strings.Join(parts, " "))
		b.Send(conn, Message, channel, msg)

func msgIsMsg(m msg.Message) bool {
	return m.Kind == Message || m.Kind == Action || m.Kind == Reply

func (b *bot) LastMessage(channel string) (msg.Message, error) {
	log := <-b.logOut
	if len(log) == 0 {
		return msg.Message{}, errors.New("No messages found.")
	for i := len(log) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		msg := log[i]
		if msgIsMsg(msg) && strings.ToLower(msg.Channel) == strings.ToLower(channel) {
			return msg, nil
	return msg.Message{}, errors.New("No messages found.")

// Take an input string and mutate it based on $vars in the string
func (b *bot) Filter(message msg.Message, input string) string {
	if strings.Contains(input, "$NICK") {
		nick := strings.ToUpper(message.User.Name)
		input = strings.Replace(input, "$NICK", nick, -1)

	// Let's be bucket compatible for this var
	input = strings.Replace(input, "$who", "$nick", -1)
	if strings.Contains(input, "$nick") {
		nick := message.User.Name
		input = strings.Replace(input, "$nick", nick, -1)

	for strings.Contains(input, "$someone") {
		nicks := b.Who(message.Channel)
		someone := nicks[rand.Intn(len(nicks))].Name
		input = strings.Replace(input, "$someone", someone, 1)

	for strings.Contains(input, "$digit") {
		num := strconv.Itoa(rand.Intn(9))
		input = strings.Replace(input, "$digit", num, 1)

	for strings.Contains(input, "$nonzero") {
		num := strconv.Itoa(rand.Intn(8) + 1)
		input = strings.Replace(input, "$nonzero", num, 1)

	for strings.Contains(input, "$time") {
		hrs := rand.Intn(23)
		mins := rand.Intn(59)
		input = strings.Replace(input, "$time", fmt.Sprintf("%0.2d:%0.2d", hrs, mins), 1)

	for strings.Contains(input, "$now") {
		now := time.Now().Format("15:04")
		input = strings.Replace(input, "$now", now, 1)

	for strings.Contains(input, "$msg") {
		msg := message.Body
		input = strings.Replace(input, "$msg", msg, 1)

	r, err := regexp.Compile("\\$[A-z]+")
	if err != nil {

	for _, f := range b.filters {
		input = f(input)

	varname := r.FindString(input)
	blacklist := make(map[string]bool)
	blacklist["$and"] = true
	for len(varname) > 0 && !blacklist[varname] {
		text, err := b.getVar(varname)
		if err != nil {
			blacklist[varname] = true
		input = strings.Replace(input, varname, text, 1)
		varname = r.FindString(input)

	return input

func (b *bot) getVar(varName string) (string, error) {
	var text string
	err := b.DB().Get(&text, `select value from variables where name=? order by random() limit 1`, varName)
	switch {
	case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
		return "", fmt.Errorf("No factoid found")
	case err != nil:
		log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("getVar error")
	return text, nil

func (b *bot) listVars(conn Connector, channel string, parts []string) {
	var variables []string
	err := b.DB().Select(&variables, `select name from variables group by name`)
	if err != nil {
	msg := "I know: $who, $someone, $digit, $nonzero, $time, $now, $msg"
	if len(variables) > 0 {
		msg += ", " + strings.Join(variables, ", ")
	b.Send(conn, Message, channel, msg)

func (b *bot) Help(conn Connector, channel string, parts []string) {
	msg := fmt.Sprintf("Hi, I'm based on godeepintir version %s. I'm written in Go, and you "+
		"can find my source code on the internet here: "+
		"http://github.com/velour/catbase", b.version)
	b.Send(conn, Message, channel, msg)

// Send our own musings to the plugins
func (b *bot) selfSaid(conn Connector, channel, message string, action bool) {
	msg := msg.Message{
		User:    &b.me, // hack
		Channel: channel,
		Body:    message,
		Raw:     message, // hack
		Action:  action,
		Command: false,
		Time:    time.Now(),
		Host:    "", // hack

	for _, name := range b.pluginOrdering {
		if b.runCallback(conn, b.plugins[name], SelfMessage, msg) {

// PubToASub sends updates to subscribed URLs
func (b *bot) PubToASub(subject string, payload any) {
	key := fmt.Sprintf("pubsub.%s.url", subject)
	subs := b.config.GetArray(key, []string{})
	if len(subs) == 0 {
	encodedBody, _ := json.Marshal(struct {
		Payload any `json:"payload"`
	body := bytes.NewBuffer(encodedBody)
	for _, url := range subs {
		r, err := http.Post(url, "text/json", body)
		if err != nil {
		} else {
			body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
			log.Debug().Msgf("Response body: %s", string(body))