// © 2013 the CatBase Authors under the WTFPL. See AUTHORS for the list of authors.

package your

import (


type YourPlugin struct {
	bot    bot.Bot
	config *config.Config

// NewYourPlugin creates a new YourPlugin with the Plugin interface
func New(bot bot.Bot) *YourPlugin {
	return &YourPlugin{
		bot:    bot,
		config: bot.Config(),

// Message responds to the bot hook on recieving messages.
// This function returns true if the plugin responds in a meaningful way to the users message.
// Otherwise, the function returns false and the bot continues execution of other plugins.
func (p *YourPlugin) Message(message msg.Message) bool {
	if len(message.Body) > p.config.Your.MaxLength {
		return false
	msg := message.Body
	for _, replacement := range p.config.Your.Replacements {
		if rand.Float64() < replacement.Frequency {
			r := strings.NewReplacer(replacement.This, replacement.That)
			msg = r.Replace(msg)
	if msg != message.Body {
		p.bot.SendMessage(message.Channel, msg)
		return true
	return false

// Help responds to help requests. Every plugin must implement a help function.
func (p *YourPlugin) Help(channel string, parts []string) {
	p.bot.SendMessage(channel, "Your corrects people's grammar.")

// Empty event handler because this plugin does not do anything on event recv
func (p *YourPlugin) Event(kind string, message msg.Message) bool {
	return false

// Handler for bot's own messages
func (p *YourPlugin) BotMessage(message msg.Message) bool {
	return false

// Register any web URLs desired
func (p *YourPlugin) RegisterWeb() *string {
	return nil

func (p *YourPlugin) ReplyMessage(message msg.Message, identifier string) bool { return false }