// © 2016 the CatBase Authors under the WTFPL license. See AUTHORS for the list of authors.

package bot

import (

const (
	_ = iota

	// Message any standard chat
	// Reply something containing a message reference
	// Action any /me action
	// Reaction Icon reaction if service supports it
	// Edit message ref'd new message to replace
	// Not sure what event is
	// Help is used when the bot help system is triggered
	// SelfMessage triggers when the bot is sending a message

type ImageAttachment struct {
	URL    string
	AltTxt string

type Kind int
type Callback func(Connector, Kind, msg.Message, ...interface{}) bool
type CallbackMap map[string]map[Kind][]Callback

// Bot interface serves to allow mocking of the actual bot
type Bot interface {
	// Config allows access to the bot's configuration system
	Config() *config.Config
	// DB gives access to the current database
	DB() *sqlx.DB
	// Who lists users in a particular channel
	Who(string) []user.User
	// WhoAmI gives a nick for the bot
	WhoAmI() string
	// AddPlugin registers a new plugin handler
	// First arg should be one of bot.Message/Reply/Action/etc
	Send(Connector, Kind, ...interface{}) (string, error)
	// First arg should be one of bot.Message/Reply/Action/etc
	Receive(Connector, Kind, msg.Message, ...interface{}) bool
	// Register a callback
	Register(Plugin, Kind, Callback)

	Filter(msg.Message, string) string
	LastMessage(string) (msg.Message, error)

	CheckAdmin(string) bool
	GetEmojiList() map[string]string
	RegisterFilter(string, func(string) string)
	RegisterWeb(string, string)
	DefaultConnector() Connector
	GetWebNavigation() []EndPoint

// Connector represents a server connection to a chat service
type Connector interface {

	Send(Kind, ...interface{}) (string, error)

	GetEmojiList() map[string]string
	Serve() error

	Who(string) []string

// Plugin interface used for compatibility with the Plugin interface
// Uhh it turned empty, but we're still using it to ID plugins
type Plugin interface {