package hn

type Item struct {
	ID          int    `json:"id"`
	Deleted     bool   `json:"deleted"`
	Type        string `json:"type"`
	By          string `json:"by"`
	Time        int    `json:"time"`
	Text        string `json:"text"`
	Dead        bool   `json:"dead"`
	Parent      int    `json:"parent"`
	Poll        []int  `json:"poll"` // check this
	Kids        []int  `json:"kids"`
	URL         string `json:"url"`
	Score       int    `json:"score"`
	Title       string `json:"title"`
	Parts       []int  `json:"parts"`
	Descendants int    `json:"descendants"`

	// This is not in the API but it's
	// easier to hack it in here than
	// fix my code.
	Bid string `json:"bid"`