package goals import ( "fmt" "regexp" "sort" "strconv" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type GoalsPlugin struct { b bot.Bot cfg *config.Config db *sqlx.DB handlers bot.HandlerTable } func New(b bot.Bot) *GoalsPlugin { p := &GoalsPlugin{ b: b, cfg: b.Config(), db: b.DB(), } p.mkDB() p.registerCmds() b.Register(p, bot.Help, counter.RegisterUpdate(p.update) return p } func (p *GoalsPlugin) mkDB() { _, err := p.db.Exec(`create table if not exists goals ( id integer primary key, kind string not null, who string not null, what string not null, amount integer, unique (who, what, kind) )`) if err != nil { log.Fatal().Msgf("could not create goals db: %s", err) } } func (p *GoalsPlugin) registerCmds() { p.handlers = bot.HandlerTable{ {Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: true, Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^register (?P<type>competition|goal) for (?P<who>[[:punct:][:alnum:]]+) (?P<what>[^\s]+) (?P<amount>[[:digit:]]+)?`), HelpText: "Register with `%s` for other people", Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool { log.Debug().Interface("values", r.Values).Msg("trying to register a goal") amount, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.Values["amount"]) p.register(r.Conn, r.Msg.Channel, r.Values["type"], r.Values["what"], r.Values["who"], amount) return true }}, {Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: true, Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^register (?P<type>competition|goal) (?P<what>[^\s]+) (?P<amount>[[:digit:]]+)?`), HelpText: "Register with `%s` for yourself", Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool { amount, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.Values["amount"]) p.register(r.Conn, r.Msg.Channel, r.Values["type"], r.Values["what"], r.Msg.User.Name, amount) return true }}, {Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: true, Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^deregister (?P<type>competition|goal) for (?P<who>[[:punct:][:alnum:]]+) (?P<what>.*)`), HelpText: "Deregister with `%s` for other people", Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool { p.deregister(r.Conn, r.Msg.Channel, r.Values["type"], r.Values["what"], r.Values["who"]) return true }}, {Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: true, Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^deregister (?P<type>competition|goal) (?P<what>[[:punct:][:alnum:]]+)`), HelpText: "Deregister with `%s` for yourself", Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool { p.deregister(r.Conn, r.Msg.Channel, r.Values["type"], r.Values["what"], r.Msg.User.Name) return true }}, {Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: true, Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^check (?P<type>competition|goal) for (?P<who>[[:punct:][:alnum:]]+) (?P<what>[^\s]+)`), HelpText: "Check with `%s` for other people", Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool { p.check(r.Conn, r.Msg.Channel, r.Values["type"], r.Values["what"], r.Values["who"]) return true }}, {Kind: bot.Message, IsCmd: true, Regex: regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^check (?P<type>competition|goal) (?P<what>[^\s]+)`), HelpText: "Check with `%s` for yourself", Handler: func(r bot.Request) bool { p.check(r.Conn, r.Msg.Channel, r.Values["type"], r.Values["what"], r.Msg.User.Name) return true }}, } p.b.RegisterTable(p, p.handlers) } func (p *GoalsPlugin) register(c bot.Connector, ch, kind, what, who string, howMuch int) { if kind == "goal" && howMuch == 0 { p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, ch, fmt.Sprintf("%s, you need to have a goal amount if you want to have a goal for %s.", who, what)) return } g := p.newGoal(kind, who, what, howMuch) err := g.Save() if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("could not create goal") p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, ch, "I couldn't create that goal for some reason.") return } p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, ch, fmt.Sprintf("%s created", kind)) } func (p *GoalsPlugin) deregister(c bot.Connector, ch, kind, what, who string) { g, err := p.getGoalKind(kind, who, what) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("could not find goal to delete") p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, ch, "I couldn't find that item to deregister.") return } err = g.Delete() if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("could not delete goal") p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, ch, "I couldn't deregister that.") return } p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, ch, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s deregistered", kind, what)) } func (p *GoalsPlugin) check(c bot.Connector, ch, kind, what, who string) { log.Debug().Msgf("checking goal in channel %s", ch) if kind == "goal" { p.checkGoal(c, ch, what, who) return } p.checkCompetition(c, ch, what, who) } func (p *GoalsPlugin) checkCompetition(c bot.Connector, ch, what, who string) { items, err := counter.GetItem(p.db, what) if err != nil || len(items) == 0 { p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, ch, fmt.Sprintf("I couldn't find any %s", what)) return } sort.Slice(items, func(i, j int) bool { if items[i].Count == items[j].Count && who == items[i].Nick { return true } if items[i].Count > items[j].Count { return true } return false }) if items[0].Nick == who && len(items) > 1 && items[1].Count == items[0].Count { p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, ch, fmt.Sprintf("Congratulations! You're in the lead for %s with %d, but you're tied with %s", what, items[0].Count, items[1].Nick)) return } if items[0].Nick == who { p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, ch, fmt.Sprintf("Congratulations! You're in the lead for %s with %d.", what, items[0].Count)) return } count := 0 for _, i := range items { if i.Nick == who { count = i.Count } } p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, ch, fmt.Sprintf("%s is in the lead for %s with %d. You have %d to catch up.", items[0].Nick, what, items[0].Count, items[0].Count-count)) } func (p *GoalsPlugin) checkGoal(c bot.Connector, ch, what, who string) { g, err := p.getGoalKind("goal", who, what) if err != nil { p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, ch, fmt.Sprintf("I couldn't find %s", what)) } nick, id := "", "" user, err := c.Profile(who) if err == nil && user.ID != "" { id = user.ID nick = user.Name } else { log.Error().Err(err).Msg("no user returned for goal check") } log.Debug(). Str("nick", nick). Str("id", id). Str("what", what). Msg("looking for item") item, err := counter.GetUserItem(p.db, nick, id, what) if err != nil { p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, ch, fmt.Sprintf("I couldn't find any %s", what)) return } perc := float64(item.Count) / float64(g.Amount) * 100.0 remaining := p.remainingText(item, g) log.Debug().Msgf("ch: %v, perc: %.2f, remaining: %s", ch, perc, remaining) if perc >= 100 { p.deregister(c, ch, g.Kind, g.What, g.Who) m := fmt.Sprintf("You made it! You have %.2f%% of %s and now it's done.", perc, what) p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, ch, m) } else { m := fmt.Sprintf("You have %d out of %d for %s. You're %.2f%% of the way there! %s", item.Count, g.Amount, what, perc, remaining) p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, ch, m) } return } func (p *GoalsPlugin) help(c bot.Connector, kind bot.Kind, message msg.Message, args ...any) bool { ch := message.Channel msg := "Goals can set goals and competition for your counters." for _, cmd := range p.handlers { msg += fmt.Sprintf("\n"+cmd.HelpText, cmd.Regex) } p.b.Send(c, bot.Message, ch, msg) return true } type cmd map[string]string func parseCmd(r *regexp.Regexp, body string) cmd { out := cmd{} subs := r.FindStringSubmatch(body) if len(subs) == 0 { return out } for i, n := range r.SubexpNames() { out[n] = subs[i] } return out } type goal struct { ID int64 Kind string Who string What string Amount int gp *GoalsPlugin } func (p *GoalsPlugin) newGoal(kind, who, what string, amount int) goal { return goal{ ID: -1, Kind: kind, Who: who, What: what, Amount: amount, gp: p, } } func (p *GoalsPlugin) getGoal(who, what string) ([]*goal, error) { gs := []*goal{} err := p.db.Select(&gs, `select * from goals where who = ? and what = ?`, who, what) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, g := range gs { = p } return gs, nil } func (p *GoalsPlugin) getGoalKind(kind, who, what string) (*goal, error) { g := &goal{gp: p} err := p.db.Get(g, `select * from goals where kind = ? and who = ? and what = ?`, kind, who, what) if err != nil { return nil, err } return g, nil } func (g *goal) Save() error { res, err :=`insert or replace into goals (who, what, kind, amount) values (?, ?, ? ,?)`, g.Who, g.What, g.Kind, g.Amount) if err != nil { return err } dbID, err := res.LastInsertId() if err == nil && dbID != g.ID && g.ID == 0 { g.ID = dbID } return nil } func (g goal) Delete() error { if g.ID == -1 { return nil } _, err :=`delete from goals where id = ?`, g.ID) return err } func (p *GoalsPlugin) update(r bot.Request, u counter.Update) { log.Debug().Msgf("entered update for %#v in ch: %v", u, r.Msg.Channel) gs, err := p.getGoal(u.Who, u.What) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("could not get goal for %#v", u) return } c := p.b.DefaultConnector() for _, g := range gs { if g.Kind == "goal" { p.checkGoal(c, r.Msg.Channel, u.What, u.Who) } else { p.checkCompetition(c, r.Msg.Channel, u.What, u.Who) } } } var now = time.Now func (p *GoalsPlugin) calculateRemaining(i counter.Item, g *goal) int { today := float64(now().YearDay()) thisYear := time.Date(now().Year(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) nextYear := time.Date(now().Year()+1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) days := nextYear.Sub(thisYear).Hours() / 24.0 // hopefully either a leap year on not perc := today / days shouldHave := float64(g.Amount) * perc diff := int(shouldHave) - i.Count log.Printf("Today is the %f-th day with %f days in the year", today, days) return diff } func (p *GoalsPlugin) remainingText(i counter.Item, g *goal) string { remaining := p.calculateRemaining(i, g) txt := "" if remaining < 0 { txt = fmt.Sprintf("You're ahead by %d!", -1*remaining) } else if remaining > 0 { txt = fmt.Sprintf("You need %d to get back on track.", remaining) } return txt }