// © 2013 the CatBase Authors under the WTFPL. See AUTHORS for the list of authors.

package reaction

import (


type ReactionPlugin struct {
	bot    bot.Bot
	config *config.Config

	model sentiment.Models

func New(b bot.Bot) *ReactionPlugin {
	model, err := sentiment.Restore()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("Couldn't restore sentiment model")
	rp := &ReactionPlugin{
		bot:    b,
		config: b.Config(),
		model:  model,
	b.Register(rp, bot.Message, rp.message)
	return rp

func (p *ReactionPlugin) message(c bot.Connector, kind bot.Kind, message msg.Message, args ...interface{}) bool {
	chance := p.config.GetFloat64("Reaction.GeneralChance", 0.01)
	if rand.Float64() < chance {
		analysis := p.model.SentimentAnalysis(message.Body, sentiment.English)

			Uint8("score", analysis.Score).
			Str("body", message.Body).
			Msg("sentiment of statement")

		var reactions []string
		if analysis.Score > 0 {
			reactions = p.config.GetArray("Reaction.PositiveReactions", []string{})
		} else {
			reactions = p.config.GetArray("Reaction.NegativeReactions", []string{})

		reaction := reactions[rand.Intn(len(reactions))]

		p.bot.Send(c, bot.Reaction, message.Channel, reaction, message)

	return false