// © 2016 the CatBase Authors under the WTFPL license. See AUTHORS for the list of authors.

// Leftpad contains the plugin that allows the bot to pad messages
package leftpad

import (


type LeftpadPlugin struct {
	bot    bot.Bot
	config *config.Config

// New creates a new LeftpadPlugin with the Plugin interface
func New(b bot.Bot) *LeftpadPlugin {
	p := &LeftpadPlugin{
		bot:    b,
		config: b.Config(),
	b.Register(p, bot.Message, p.message)
	return p

type leftpadResp struct {
	Str string

func (p *LeftpadPlugin) message(c bot.Connector, kind bot.Kind, message msg.Message, args ...interface{}) bool {
	if !message.Command {
		return false

	parts := strings.Fields(message.Body)
	if len(parts) > 3 && parts[0] == "leftpad" {
		padchar := parts[1]
		length, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[2])
		if err != nil {
			p.bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, "Invalid padding number")
			return true
		maxLen, who := p.config.GetInt("LeftPad.MaxLen", 50), p.config.Get("LeftPad.Who", "Putin")
		if length > maxLen && maxLen > 0 {
			msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s would kill me if I did that.", who)
			p.bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, msg)
			return true
		text := strings.Join(parts[3:], " ")

		res := leftpad.LeftPad(text, length, padchar)

		p.bot.Send(c, bot.Message, message.Channel, res)
		return true

	return false