package main

import (

var (
	token   = flag.String("token", "", "Slack API token")
	channel = flag.String("channel", "", "Slack channel ID")
	limit   = flag.Int("limit", 10000, "Number of items to return")
	types   = flag.String("types", "images,pdfs", "Type of object")
	path    = flag.String("path", "./", "Path to save files")

func main() {

	for {
		files, count := getFiles()
		for _, f := range files {
		if count == 1 {

func getFiles() ([]slackFile, int) {
	files := fileResp{}

	log.Printf("Getting files")
	body := mkReq("",
		"token", *token,
		"count", strconv.Itoa(*limit),
		"types", *types,

	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &files)

	log.Printf("Ok: %v, Count: %d", files.Ok, files.Paging.Count)
	if !files.Ok {

	return files.Files, files.Paging.Pages

func deleteFile(f slackFile) {
	body := mkReq("",
		"token", *token,
		"file", f.ID,

	del := delResp{}
	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &del)

	if !del.Ok {
		log.Fatal("Couldn't delete " + f.ID)

	log.Printf("Deleted %s", f.ID)

func downloadFile(f slackFile) {
	url := strings.Replace(f.URLPrivateDownload, "\\", "", -1) // because fuck slack
	fname := filepath.Join(*path, f.ID+f.Name)

	log.Printf("Downloading from: %s", url)

	client := &http.Client{}
	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
	req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+*token)

	resp, err := client.Do(req)

	defer resp.Body.Close()
	out, err := os.Create(fname)
	defer out.Close()
	io.Copy(out, resp.Body)

	log.Printf("Downloaded %s", f.ID)

func checkErr(err error) {
	if err != nil {

func mkReq(path string, arg ...string) []byte {
	if len(arg)%2 != 0 {
		log.Fatal("Bad request arg number.")

	u, err := url.Parse(path)

	q := u.Query()
	for i := 0; i < len(arg); i += 2 {
		key := arg[i]
		val := arg[i+1]
		if val != "" {
			q.Set(key, val)
	u.RawQuery = q.Encode()

	resp, err := http.Get(u.String())

	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

	return body

type delResp struct {
	Ok bool

type fileResp struct {
	Ok     bool        `json:"ok"`
	Files  []slackFile `json:"files"`
	Paging struct {
		Count int `json:"count"`
		Total int `json:"total"`
		Page  int `json:"page"`
		Pages int `json:"pages"`
	} `json:"paging"`

type slackFile struct {
	ID                 string        `json:"id"`
	Created            int           `json:"created"`
	Timestamp          int           `json:"timestamp"`
	Name               string        `json:"name"`
	Title              string        `json:"title"`
	Mimetype           string        `json:"mimetype"`
	Filetype           string        `json:"filetype"`
	PrettyType         string        `json:"pretty_type"`
	User               string        `json:"user"`
	Editable           bool          `json:"editable"`
	Size               int           `json:"size"`
	Mode               string        `json:"mode"`
	IsExternal         bool          `json:"is_external"`
	ExternalType       string        `json:"external_type"`
	IsPublic           bool          `json:"is_public"`
	PublicURLShared    bool          `json:"public_url_shared"`
	DisplayAsBot       bool          `json:"display_as_bot"`
	Username           string        `json:"username"`
	URLPrivate         string        `json:"url_private"`
	URLPrivateDownload string        `json:"url_private_download"`
	Thumb64            string        `json:"thumb_64"`
	Thumb80            string        `json:"thumb_80"`
	Thumb360           string        `json:"thumb_360"`
	Thumb360W          int           `json:"thumb_360_w"`
	Thumb360H          int           `json:"thumb_360_h"`
	Thumb480           string        `json:"thumb_480,omitempty"`
	Thumb480W          int           `json:"thumb_480_w,omitempty"`
	Thumb480H          int           `json:"thumb_480_h,omitempty"`
	Thumb160           string        `json:"thumb_160"`
	Thumb720           string        `json:"thumb_720,omitempty"`
	Thumb720W          int           `json:"thumb_720_w,omitempty"`
	Thumb720H          int           `json:"thumb_720_h,omitempty"`
	Thumb800           string        `json:"thumb_800,omitempty"`
	Thumb800W          int           `json:"thumb_800_w,omitempty"`
	Thumb800H          int           `json:"thumb_800_h,omitempty"`
	Thumb960           string        `json:"thumb_960,omitempty"`
	Thumb960W          int           `json:"thumb_960_w,omitempty"`
	Thumb960H          int           `json:"thumb_960_h,omitempty"`
	Thumb1024          string        `json:"thumb_1024,omitempty"`
	Thumb1024W         int           `json:"thumb_1024_w,omitempty"`
	Thumb1024H         int           `json:"thumb_1024_h,omitempty"`
	ImageExifRotation  int           `json:"image_exif_rotation"`
	OriginalW          int           `json:"original_w"`
	OriginalH          int           `json:"original_h"`
	Permalink          string        `json:"permalink"`
	PermalinkPublic    string        `json:"permalink_public"`
	Channels           []string      `json:"channels"`
	Groups             []interface{} `json:"groups"`
	Ims                []interface{} `json:"ims"`
	CommentsCount      int           `json:"comments_count"`
	InitialComment     struct {
		ID        string `json:"id"`
		Created   int    `json:"created"`
		Timestamp int    `json:"timestamp"`
		User      string `json:"user"`
		IsIntro   bool   `json:"is_intro"`
		Comment   string `json:"comment"`
	} `json:"initial_comment,omitempty"`
	Reactions []struct {
		Name  string   `json:"name"`
		Users []string `json:"users"`
		Count int      `json:"count"`
	} `json:"reactions,omitempty"`